Robert J. "Bob" Mazzuca (/məˈzuːkə/; born 1947) was the 11th Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. His term started in 2007, and he retired on August 31, 2012.
Robert J. "Bob" Mazzuca (/məˈzuːkə/; born 1947) was the 11th Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. His term started in 2007, and he retired on August 31, 2012. (en)
ロバート・J・"ボブ"・マズーカ (Robert J. "Bob" Mazzuca、1947年 - )はボーイスカウトアメリカ連盟の11代事務総長(en)。 同職務を2007年から2012年8月31日まで務めた。 (ja)