Samundi is a 1992 Tamil-language action film directed by Manoj Kumar. The film stars R. Sarathkumar and Kanaka. The film, produced by Mogannadarajan and V. Shanmugam, had musical score by Deva and was released on 18 September 1992.
Samundi is a 1992 Tamil-language action film directed by Manoj Kumar. The film stars R. Sarathkumar and Kanaka. The film, produced by Mogannadarajan and V. Shanmugam, had musical score by Deva and was released on 18 September 1992. (en)
Samundi is a 1992 Tamil-language action film directed by Manoj Kumar. The film stars R. Sarathkumar and Kanaka. The film, produced by Mogannadarajan and V. Shanmugam, had musical score by Deva and was released on 18 September 1992. (en)
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