The church of San Giovannino degli Scolopi is a minor church in the center of Florence, located on Via Martelli corner with Via Gori. From 1351 to 1554, the church was known as San Giovanni Evangelista, since the site had a small oratory dedicated to the saint. In the mid-16th century, Cosimo I applied the inheritance of a Giovanni di Lando of the neighboring Gori family to the erection of a church for the newly arrived Jesuits (1577). Construction began two years later on designs of Bartolommeo Ammannati, afterwards supplanted by Giulio Parigi and finally Alfonso Parigi il Giovane, who completed the work in 1661. The Jesuit Order was suppressed in 1775, and the church was passed to the Piarist or Scolopi Fathers. It was restored in 1843 by Leopoldo Pasqui.