Sarap Mong Patayin is a 2021 Philippine psychological comedy thriller film written and directed by Darryl Yap. It stars Lassy Marquez, Kit Thompson, Ariella Arida, Bob Jbeili and Marion Aunor. The film was the 12th film that Darryl Yap directed.
Sarap Mong Patayin is a 2021 Philippine psychological comedy thriller film written and directed by Darryl Yap. It stars Lassy Marquez, Kit Thompson, Ariella Arida, Bob Jbeili and Marion Aunor. The film was the 12th film that Darryl Yap directed. (en)
Sarap Mong Patayin is a 2021 Philippine psychological comedy thriller film written and directed by Darryl Yap. It stars Lassy Marquez, Kit Thompson, Ariella Arida, Bob Jbeili and Marion Aunor. The film was the 12th film that Darryl Yap directed. (en)