Stranglehold is a 1931 British drama film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Isobel Elsom, Garry Marsh and Derrick De Marney. It was made by Warner Brothers at Teddington Studios as a quota quickie. It is now a lost film.
Stranglehold is a 1931 British drama film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Isobel Elsom, Garry Marsh and Derrick De Marney. It was made by Warner Brothers at Teddington Studios as a quota quickie. It is now a lost film. (en)
Stranglehold is a 1931 British drama film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Isobel Elsom, Garry Marsh and Derrick De Marney. It was made by Warner Brothers at Teddington Studios as a quota quickie. It is now a lost film. (en)