has abstract
| - Ein Streicherkeyboard (auch Streicherklavier bzw. engl. auch String Machine bzw. String Ensemble) ist ein zu den Elektrophonen gezähltes Musikinstrument, mit dem der Klang eines Streichorchesters elektronisch nachgebildet werden soll. Das bekannteste Modell dieser Klasse war das von der niederländischen Eminent Orgelbouw B.V. ab 1974 angebotene Solina String-Ensemble, das den Klang der Popmusik in den 1970er-Jahren entscheidend mitprägte. (de)
- A string synthesizer or string machine is a specialized synthesizer designed specifically to make sounds similar to that of a string orchestra. Dedicated string synthesizers occupied a specific musical instrument niche between electronic organs and general-purpose synthesizers in the 1970s and early 1980s, until advances in digital signal processing technology allowed the production of inexpensive general-purpose polyphonic synthesizers and samplers, which made the existence of a separate type of instrument unnecessary. The development of the string synthesizer was originally motivated by the need for a cheaper and more portable alternative to the Mellotron, which was itself a cheaper alternative to human string ensembles. The availability of string synthesizers was influential in adding string orchestration to popular music that would not otherwise be able to afford the use of a human string ensemble, and their characteristic sound, which was almost, but not quite, like that of a real string ensemble, was one of the distinguishing sounds of the era. To keep costs down, string synthesizers typically used a frequency divider architecture similar to that of electronic organs, with the addition of specialized in-built vibrato and chorus effects to mimic the ensemble effect of multiple string instruments playing at once. Classic string synthesizers included the Freeman String Symphonizer, Eminent 310, Logan String Melody, Roland RS-101, Roland RS-202, Korg Polyphonic Ensemble S, Crumar Orchestrator (Multiman-S), , ARP String Ensemble, Moog Opus 3 and the Vox String Thing (a rebranded version of the budget Jen SM2007 String Machine) and the Roland VP-330. (en)
- ストリングアンサンブルとは、本来は弦楽器の合奏を指す。転じて、主に電子的に合成された弦楽器の音を発するキーボードの呼称として使用される様になった。ただし、その成立の経緯上、幾つかの呼び方が存在する。 (ja)
- Een strijkersynthesizer (ook wel string machine of string synthesizer genoemd) is een type synthesizer uit de jaren 70 van de twintigste eeuw die probeert het geluid van een strijkorkest elektronisch na te bootsen. (nl)