The Diane Rehm Show was a call-in show based in the United States that aired nationally on NPR (National Public Radio). In October 2007, The Diane Rehm Show was named to the Audience Research Analysis list of the top ten most powerful national programs in public radio, the only talk show on the list. ACT 1 Systems Inc., using Nielsen audience data, estimated that the program (sometimes shortened to "The DR Show") at that time had "1.7 million listeners," a number that was later revised upward to 2.4 million listeners in December 2015. It was produced by WAMU and hosted by Diane Rehm. The show debuted on WAMU in the 1970s as Kaleidoscope, a weekday morning arts and discussion program. Diane took over as host in 1979, and the show became The Diane Rehm Show in 1984. The final broadcast of Th