The Last Invisible Boy is a 2008 children's novel by Evan Kuhlman. The book was first published in hardback on October 21, 2008 through Atheneum Books for Young Readers. The work follows Finn, a young boy dealing with the sudden death of his father.
The Last Invisible Boy is a 2008 children's novel by Evan Kuhlman. The book was first published in hardback on October 21, 2008 through Atheneum Books for Young Readers. The work follows Finn, a young boy dealing with the sudden death of his father. (en)
The Last Invisible Boy is a 2008 children's novel by Evan Kuhlman. The book was first published in hardback on October 21, 2008 through Atheneum Books for Young Readers. The work follows Finn, a young boy dealing with the sudden death of his father. (en)