The Satin Woman is a 1927 American silent drama film directed by Walter Lang and starring Dorothy Davenport, also known as Mrs. Wallace Reid. The film is preserved in the Library of Congress collection.
The Satin Woman is a 1927 American silent drama film directed by Walter Lang and starring Dorothy Davenport, also known as Mrs. Wallace Reid. The film is preserved in the Library of Congress collection. (en)
The Satin Woman è un film muto del 1927 scritto e diretto da Walter Lang. Prodotto dalla Gotham Productions, aveva come interpreti Dorothy Davenport (qui accreditata come Mrs. Wallace Reid), Rockliffe Fellowes, Alice White, John Miljan, Gladys Brockwell. (it)
The Satin Woman is a 1927 American silent drama film directed by Walter Lang and starring Dorothy Davenport, also known as Mrs. Wallace Reid. The film is preserved in the Library of Congress collection. (en)
The Satin Woman è un film muto del 1927 scritto e diretto da Walter Lang. Prodotto dalla Gotham Productions, aveva come interpreti Dorothy Davenport (qui accreditata come Mrs. Wallace Reid), Rockliffe Fellowes, Alice White, John Miljan, Gladys Brockwell. (it)