The Untouched Woman (German: Die unberührte Frau) is a 1925 German silent film directed by Constantin J. David and starring Mary Nolan, Tamara Geva, and Alf Blütecher. The film's sets were designed by the art director .
The Untouched Woman (German: Die unberührte Frau) is a 1925 German silent film directed by Constantin J. David and starring Mary Nolan, Tamara Geva, and Alf Blütecher. The film's sets were designed by the art director . (en)
Die unberührte Frau è un film muto del 1925 diretto da Constantin J. David e come protagonisti Mary Nolan, Tamara Geva e Alf Blütecher. Il set cinematografico fu' disegnato dal direttore artistico Karl Görge. (it)
The Untouched Woman (German: Die unberührte Frau) is a 1925 German silent film directed by Constantin J. David and starring Mary Nolan, Tamara Geva, and Alf Blütecher. The film's sets were designed by the art director . (en)
Die unberührte Frau è un film muto del 1925 diretto da Constantin J. David e come protagonisti Mary Nolan, Tamara Geva e Alf Blütecher. Il set cinematografico fu' disegnato dal direttore artistico Karl Görge. (it)