| - Die Wespenfrau (Originaltitel The Wasp Woman) ist ein amerikanischer Science-Fiction-/Horrorfilm von Roger Corman aus dem Jahr 1959. (de)
- The Wasp Woman, The Bee Girl ala Insect Woman (euskaraz Liztor Emakumea. Erle Neska ala Intsektu Emakumea) 1959ko Roger Corman estatubatuar zinema zuzendariaren zientzia-fikziozko film bat da. Gidoia gidoigileak idatzi zuen. ,, eta aktoreek antzeztu zuten. Roger Corman berak ere agerpen labur bat du, ospitaleko medikua antzeztuz. (eu)
- The Wasp Woman es una película estadounidense de ciencia ficción estrenada en 1959, producida y dirigida por Roger Corman y protagonizada por Susan Cabot y Anthony Eisley. Fue estrenada originalmente en formato dual junto a Beast from Haunted Cave de Monte Hellman. (es)
- La Femme guêpe (The Wasp Woman) est un film américain réalisé par Roger Corman, sorti en 1959. (fr)
- La donna vespa (The Wasp Woman) è un film horror fantascientifico statunitense del 1959 diretto da Roger Corman. Il film ebbe due remake: (1988) e The Wasp Woman (1995). (it)
- The Wasp Woman (also known as The Bee Girl and Insect Woman) is a 1959 American independent science-fiction horror film produced and directed by Roger Corman. Filmed in black-and-white, it stars Susan Cabot, Anthony Eisley, Michael Mark, and Barboura Morris. The film was originally released by Filmgroup as a double feature with Beast from Haunted Cave. To pad out the film's running time when it was released to television two years later, a new prologue was added by director Jack Hill. (en)
- The Wasp Woman is een Amerikaanse sciencefictionfilm uit 1959 onder regie van Roger Corman. (nl)