| - Der Union Pass ist ein Gebirgspass mit einer Höhe von 2808 m in den Rocky Mountains. Er liegt im Fremont County des US-Bundesstaates Wyoming, nahe der Grenze zum Sublette County. Der Pass überschreitet in einer weiten Hochebene die Nordamerikanische kontinentale Wasserscheide. Von der Ebene strahlen drei Gebirgszüge nach drei Richtungen aus: Die Wind River Range mit dem nächstgelegenen Gipfel Union Peak (3501 m) nach Südosten, die Gros Ventre Range nach Westen und die Absaroka Range nach Norden. (de)
- Union Pass is a high mountain pass in the Wind River Range in Fremont County of western Wyoming in the United States. The pass is located on the Continental Divide between the Gros Ventre mountains on the west and the Wind River Range on the east. A triple divide exists nearby, where water may flow to the Mississippi River, Columbia River, or Colorado River. The pass was historically used by Native Americans and early mountain men including the Astor Expedition in 1811 on its way west. On the return trip, fearing hostile Indian activity near Union Pass, the Astorians chose a southern route and discovered South Pass. (en)
- O Union Pass (em português:Passo da União) é um passo de montanha na Cordilheira Wind River, nas Montanhas Rochosas, no estado do Wyoming, Estados Unidos. Ficam sobre a chamada Continental Divide, entre a cordilheira Gros Ventre e a Wind River, no condado de Fremont. Este passo foi historicamente usado pelos ameríndios e pelos montanheiros, incluindo a Expedição Astor em 1811 no sentido leste-oeste. Na viagem de regresso, temendo atividade hostil dos ameríndios perto de Union Pass, os membros da Expedição Astor procuraram outro caminho e descobriram o South Pass. (pt)