Veera: An Arrow Head of Action is a 2011 Telugu-language action comedy film, produced by Ganesh Indukuri under Sanvi Productions banner and directed by Ramesh Varma. It stars Ravi Teja, Kajal Aggarwal, and Taapsee Pannu, with music composed by S. Thaman. Cinematography was performed by Chota K. Naidu and the film was released on 20 May 2011. The film had completed 50 days in 60 centres and a 100-day run at the box office according to Zee 24 Gantalu. The film was released in Tamil as Veeraiyaah, in Hindi as The Great Veera in 2012 and also in Malayalam as Veera in 2017 it was also in Bhojpuri as Veera. In 2021, Manish Shah from redubbed the movie in Hindi under the same name.