Virtua Fighter Animation, known in Japan as Virtua Fighter Mini (バーチャファイターMini, Bācha Faitā Mini), is a 1996 fighting video game for the Game Gear and Master System. It is based on the Virtua Fighter anime series.
Virtua Fighter Animation, known in Japan as Virtua Fighter Mini (バーチャファイターMini, Bācha Faitā Mini), is a 1996 fighting video game for the Game Gear and Master System. It is based on the Virtua Fighter anime series. (en)
Virtua Fighter Animation, conosciuto in Giappone come Virtua Fighter Mini (バーチャファイターMini Bācha Faitā Mini), è un videogioco picchiaduro a incontri del 1996 per Sega Game Gear e Sega Master System. È basato sulla serie anime di Virtua Fighter. (it)