Wiremu Te Morehu Maipapa Te Wheoro (1826–1895), also known as Major Te Wheoro and later as Wiremu Te Morehu or William Morris, was a 19th-century Māori member of the House of Representatives. Te Wheoro was born in the Waikato. His father was Te Kanawa, a chief of the Ngāti Mahuta and Ngāti Naho iwi. He was a strong supporter of Pakeha economic concepts and institutions; at a great meeting at Paetai, near Rangiriri, in May 1857, he spoke against a proposal to install Te Wherowhero of Ngati Mahuta as Maori King arguing that the title of "King" appeared to place Te Wherowhero above the Governor. In 1862 he was appointed the chief assessor, who acted as local magistrate and chief of police, in charge of the official runanga at Te Kohekohe, south of Meremere. He asked that a wooden courthouse b