Workable Football Club (Chinese: 華家堡足球會) was a Hong Kong football club which played in the Hong Kong First Division League in the 2007–08 season. It borrowed the entities of Shek Kip Mei to compete in the league.
Workable Football Club (Chinese: 華家堡足球會) was a Hong Kong football club which played in the Hong Kong First Division League in the 2007–08 season. It borrowed the entities of Shek Kip Mei to compete in the league. (en)
華家堡足球會(Workable Football Club)是香港一支已解散的足球隊,只出現了1年。球隊在2007–08年參加香港甲組聯賽,在10隊球隊中奪9名。 球隊季前望以以前東方足球隊輝煌時代為目標,並找來3名外援及2名國援,但香港足球總會突放寬外援限制,將外援由註冊7個最多出4個,改為註冊12個最多出7個,使這支新成立的球隊無所適從。球隊解散後,大部分骨幹成員都轉投至東方,包括教練團及球員。 (zh)
Workable Football Club (Chinese: 華家堡足球會) was a Hong Kong football club which played in the Hong Kong First Division League in the 2007–08 season. It borrowed the entities of Shek Kip Mei to compete in the league. (en)
華家堡足球會(Workable Football Club)是香港一支已解散的足球隊,只出現了1年。球隊在2007–08年參加香港甲組聯賽,在10隊球隊中奪9名。 球隊季前望以以前東方足球隊輝煌時代為目標,並找來3名外援及2名國援,但香港足球總會突放寬外援限制,將外援由註冊7個最多出4個,改為註冊12個最多出7個,使這支新成立的球隊無所適從。球隊解散後,大部分骨幹成員都轉投至東方,包括教練團及球員。 (zh)