| - La crittografia nella seconda guerra mondiale riguarda i mezzi e i metodi, adottati dalle principali potenze che presero parte al secondo conflitto mondiale, in grado di impossibilitare i propri nemici a decifrare, e quindi comprendere, i propri messaggi. Nel contempo, diverse tecniche furono adottate dalle stesse per poter leggere le trasmissioni del proprio nemico, fondamentali per operare nel conflitto stesso, a proprio vantaggio. (it)
- 密码学在第二次世界大战期间得到广泛应用,相关国家推出了大量的和密码系统。此外,密码分析(密码破译)的理论与实践方面也有了很大的进步。 这场战争中最重要的密码破译事件可能是盟军对德国恩尼格玛密码机的成功破译。1932年左右,波兰首次实现对恩尼格玛的全面破解。1939年战争爆发前,波兰所使用的技术和见解被传递给法国和英国盟军。战争期间,英国在布萊切利園研究站的努力使这些技术得到了实质性的改进。 恩尼格玛密码的破译使盟军能够读取德国重要无线电的通信内容,并在整个战争期间成为宝贵的军事情报来源。来自这个来源(以及其他高级来源,包括)的情报最终被称为。 (zh)
- Cryptography was used extensively during World War II because of the importance of radio communication and the ease of radio interception. The nations involved fielded a plethora of code and cipher systems, many of the latter using rotor machines. As a result, the theoretical and practical aspects of cryptanalysis, or codebreaking, were much advanced. A similar break into the most secure Japanese diplomatic cipher, designated Purple by the US Army Signals Intelligence Service, started before the US entered the war. Product from this source was called Magic. (en)