| - Zachariah Allen (Providence, Rhode Island, 15 de setembre de 1795 – ibíd., 17 de març de 1882) fou un fabricant tèxtil estatunidenc, científic, advocat, escriptor, inventor i dirigent civil de Providence, Rhode Island. Va ser educat a Philips Exeter Academy i a la Brown University on es va graduar el 1813. Va fundar l'empresa Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company el 1835, embrió de l'empresa d'assegurances moderna FM Global. Allen era també un prolífic escriptor de textos científics i va escriure articles i llibres nombrosos durant la seva vida. (ca)
- Zachariah Allen (September 15, 1795 – March 17, 1882) was an American textile manufacturer, scientist, lawyer, writer, inventor and civil leader from Providence, Rhode Island. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Brown University where he graduated in 1813. He founded the Manufacturers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1835, the forerunner of the present day insurance company FM Global. Allen was also a prolific writer of scientific texts and wrote numerous books and articles during his lifetime. (en)