| - Zhang Renjie (en chinois 張人傑) ou Zhang Jingjiang (張靜江), surnommé en Occident « Curio Zhang » est un homme politique et homme d'affaires chinois (1877-1950). (fr)
- Zhang Renjie (Chang Jen-chieh 19 September 1877 – 3 September 1950), nama lahir Zhang Jingjiang, adalah seorang figur politik dan wirausahawan finansial di Republik Tiongkok. Ia belajar dan bekerja di Prancis pada awal 1900-an, dimana ia menjadi di bawah pengaruh Li Shizeng dan Wu Zhihui, para teman masa hidupnya. (in)
- Zhang Renjie (Chang Jen-chieh 19 September 1877 − 3 September 1950), born Zhang Jingjiang, was a political figure and financial entrepreneur in the Republic of China. He studied and worked in France in the early 1900s, where he became an early Chinese Anarchist under the influence of Li Shizeng and Wu Zhihui, his lifelong friends. He became wealthy trading Chinese artworks in the West and investing on the Shanghai stock exchange. Zhang gave generous financial support to Sun Yat-sen and was an early patron of Chiang Kai-shek. In the 1920s, he, Li, Wu and the educator Cai Yuanpei were known as the fiercely anti-Communist of the Chinese Nationalist Party. (en)
- 張 静江(ちょう せいこう)は中華民国の政治家、実業家。譜名は増澄、名は人傑だが、一般に字である静江で知られる。中国同盟会以来の革命派人士で、後に中国国民党、国民政府の政治家となった。また、浙江財閥の指導者の1人としても知られる。 (ja)
- 张静江(1877年9月19日-1950年9月3日),谱名增澄,字静江、人杰,别号饮光、卧禅,浙江乌程(今浙江南浔)人,是中國國民黨首任中央執行委員會常務委員會主席、中国国民党第二任政党领袖。 (zh)