The 2007 U.S. Open Grand Prix was a badminton tournament which took place in Orange, California, United States from 27 August to 1 September 2007. It had a total purse of $50,000.
Die US Open 2007 im Badminton fanden vom 27. August bis 1. September 2007 in Orange statt. (de)
The 2007 U.S. Open Grand Prix was a badminton tournament which took place in Orange, California, United States from 27 August to 1 September 2007. It had a total purse of $50,000. (en)
2007年美國羽毛球大獎賽為第2007年度的美國羽毛球公開賽,是2007年世界羽聯大獎賽的其中一站。本屆賽事於2007年8月27日至9月1日在美國加利福尼亞州的橙縣舉行,並獲得YONEX及橙縣羽毛球會(Orange County Badminton Club)贊助。 (zh)