The XXI 2017 Pan Am Badminton Championships were held as two events in different counties. From 16 to 19 February, the team event was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. From 27 to 30 April, the individual event was held in Havana, Cuba.
Die Panamerikameisterschaften 2017 im Badminton fanden vom 27. bis zum 30. April 2017 in Havanna in Kuba statt. Es war die 21. Austragung der Titelkämpfe. (de)
The XXI 2017 Pan Am Badminton Championships were held as two events in different counties. From 16 to 19 February, the team event was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. From 27 to 30 April, the individual event was held in Havana, Cuba. (en)