The Men's 2018 European Union Amateur Boxing Championships was held in Valladolid, Spain from 8 to 19 November. The 9th edition of the competition was organised by the European governing body for amateur boxing, the European Boxing Confederation.
The Men's 2018 European Union Amateur Boxing Championships was held in Valladolid, Spain from 8 to 19 November. The 9th edition of the competition was organised by the European governing body for amateur boxing, the European Boxing Confederation. (en)
Die 9. EU-Meisterschaften der Männer 2018 wurden vom europäischen Amateurboxverband EUBC vom 9. bis zum 18. November in der spanischen Großstadt Valladolid ausgetragen. Spanien war damit nach 2004 zum bereits zweiten Mal Austragungsort dieses Wettkampfes. Es nahmen 124 Boxer aus 22 Nationen teil, welche sich in 10 Gewichtsklassen 114 Kämpfe lieferten. Erfolgreichste Nation wurde England mit neun Medaillen. (de)
I Campionati di pugilato dilettanti dell'Unione europea maschili 2018 si sono tenuti a Valladolid, Spagna, dal 8 al 19 novembre 2018. È stata la 9ª edizione della competizione annuale organizzata dall'EUBC. (it)