Each national team submitted a squad of 20 players, two of whom had to be goalkeepers. Players in boldface have been capped at full international level since the tournament. Ages are as of the start of the tournament, 14 July 2019.
Each national team submitted a squad of 20 players, two of whom had to be goalkeepers. Players in boldface have been capped at full international level since the tournament. Ages are as of the start of the tournament, 14 July 2019. (en)
В этой статье перечислены составы национальных футбольных сборных на чемпионате Европы по футболу среди юношей не старше 19 лет 2019 в Армении, который пройдёт с 14 по 27 июля 2019. В окончательные заявки сборных вошли по 20 игроков, 2 из которых вратари. (ru)