| - 'Abd al-Samad or Khwaja Abdus Samad was a 16th-century painter of Persian miniatures who moved to India and became one of the founding masters of the Mughal miniature tradition, and later the holder of a number of senior administrative roles. Samad's career under the Mughals, from about 1550 to 1595, is relatively well documented, and a number of paintings are authorised to him from this period. From about 1572 he headed the imperial workshop of the Emperor Akbar and "it was under his guidance that Mughal style came to maturity". It has recently been contended by a leading specialist, Barbara Brend, that Samad is the same person as Mirza Ali, a Persian artist whose documented career seems to end at the same time as Abd al-Samad appears working for the Mughals. (en)
- ʽAbd al-Ṣamad fue un creador de miniatura persa del siglo XVI. (es)
- Abd al-Samad est un peintre persan originaire de Chiraz (fin XVIe siècle), invité en Inde par Akbar pour y enseigner l'art de la miniature. (fr)
- Abd ul-Samad, Chwadża Abd al-Samad, Abd-as Samad (żył w XVI wieku) – irański malarz-miniaturzysta i kaligraf. (pl)
- Абд аль-Самад Мешхеді (*прибл. 1510 рік —після 1595 року) — перський та індійський художник-мініатюрист, калігарф та сановник часів династій Сефевідів та Великих Моголів. (uk)
- Khwaja Abd as-Samad (* erste Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts in Schiraz; † um 1595 in Delhi oder Lahore) war ein persisch-indischer Miniaturmaler, Kalligraf und Münzgestalter. Zusammen mit Mir Sayyid Ali gilt er als Begründer der nordindischen Mogulschule, die sich aus der persischen Tradition der Miniaturmalerei herleitet. (de)
- Khwaja ʿAbd al-Samad, noto anche come Hvaga 'Abdu's-Samad (Shiraz, ... – 1593), è stato un pittore, calligrafo e miniatore persiano. Le informazioni biografiche sono imprecise, però fonti indiane lo indicano come originario della Persia meridionale ed attestano che già nel 1555 era noto sia come calligrafo sia come pittore; quattro anni dopo si trasferì a Kabul dall'imperatore Humayun, che assieme al figlio prese da lui lezioni di pittura. Questo fu uno degli avvenimenti che agevolò la diffusione della scuola di pittura Moghul sul territorio indiano. (it)
- Абд ас-Самад, также Ходжа Абдус Самад, Абд аль-Самад Ширази, (около 1540 — после 1593) — персидский, индийский художник-миниатюрист и каллиграф, а также вельможа могольского императорского двора. Работал в Персии и Индии. Оказал влияние на развитие могольской живописной школы второй половины XVI века более, чем любой иной художник. (ru)