The Holocaust had a deep effect on society both in Europe and the rest of the world, and today its consequences are still being felt, both by children and adults whose ancestors were victims of this genocide.
أثّر الهولوكوست تأثيرًا عميقًا في المجتمع الأوروبي وبقية العالم على حد سواء، وما تزال عواقبه محسوسة بين أحفاد ضحايا تلك الإبادة الجماعية من الأطفال والكبار. (ar)
The Holocaust had a deep effect on society both in Europe and the rest of the world, and today its consequences are still being felt, both by children and adults whose ancestors were victims of this genocide. (en)
La Shoah a provoqué des évolutions profondes sur la société, tant en Europe que dans le reste du monde. Ses conséquences demeurent perceptibles par les enfants et les adultes dont les ancêtres sont des victimes de ce génocide. (fr)