| - Anchor Bay Entertainment (formerly Video Treasures and Starmaker Entertainment) was an American home entertainment and production company. It was a subsidiary of Starz Inc. Anchor Bay Entertainment marketed and sold feature films, television series (mainly shows that aired on Starz), television specials and short films to consumers worldwide. In 2004, Anchor Bay agreed to have its movies distributed by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and renewed their deal in 2011. A year after Starz launched a home entertainment division (in-name only) in 2016, it later folded Anchor Bay Entertainment into Lionsgate Home Entertainment. (en)
- Anchor Bay Entertainment (anciennement Video Treasures et Starmaker Entertainment ) était une société américaine de divertissement et de production à domicile. C'était une filiale de Starz Inc. Anchor Bay Entertainment a commercialisé et vendu des longs métrages, des séries, des émissions spéciales télévisées et des courts métrages aux consommateurs du monde entier. En 2004, Anchor Bay a accepté que ses films soient distribués par 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment et a renouvelé son contrat en 2011. En 2017, un an après Starz a lancé une division de divertissement à domicile, le groupe a fusionné Anchor Bay Entertainment à Lionsgate Home Entertainment . (fr)
- 앵커 베이 엔터테인먼트(Anchor Bay Entertainment)는 미국의 영화 배급사이다. 의 자회사로, 가 75%, 와인스타인 컴퍼니가 25%의 지분을 소유하고 있다. 2006년까지 IDT 엔터테인먼트가 소유하고 있었으며, 이후 스타즈 미디어가 구입하였다. 2004년 앵커 베이는 를 통해 배급하는 것에 대해 동의하였으며, 2011년 재계약을 하였다. (ko)