| - Бебрисцихе (груз. ბებრისციხე — крепость старца. Употребляется также наименование Нацихари — замковище) — крепость в Грузии, ныне руинированная, сильно пострадала от оползня. Археологический памятник. Расположена на крутом утёсе на правом берегу реки Арагви, над Военно-Грузинской дорогой, примерно в полутора километрах от впадения Арагви в Куру. Крепость служила охраной от набегов горских племён. В настоящее время сохранилась часть башни цитадели, западная стена и отдельные элементы других укреплений. (ru)
- Bebris Tsikhe is an early medieval fortress in Georgia in the historical region of Kartli, Mtskheta. It situated on the right bank of the river Aragvi, on the north of Mtskheta. In ancient time the fortress was called ″Belti″. Vakhushti Bagrationi calls it ″Beltistsikhe″. The fortress was built to protect Mtskheta and Tbilisi from the north, from the side of the Greater Caucasus Range. The road was originally passing by the east side of the fortress, along the river bank. In the 19th century a new road was cut through the mountain, now passing by the west side of Bebristsikhe. (en)
- El castillo de Bebristsije (en georgiano, ბებრისციხე), también conocido como castillo de Natsijvari (ნაციხვარი) es una fortificación en ruinas situada al norte de la ciudad de Mtsjeta, en la región de Mtsjeta-Mtianeti de Georgia. Se ubica en un peñón rocoso abrupto en la orilla derecha del río Aragvi (a 1.5 km de su desembocadura en el Kurá), junto a la carretera militar georgiana. La fortaleza defendía el acceso norte de Mtsjeta, en un punto en el que el valle del río se estrecha, ante posibles ataques desde las montañas. Es un monumento arqueológico de Georgia. (es)
- Bebristsije (georgieraz: ბებრისციხე), Natsijvari (ნაციხვარი) bezala ere ezaguna, Mtskheta hiriaren iparraldean erortzeko zorian dagoen gotorleku bat da, Georgiako Mtsika-Mtianetiko eskualdean. Harkaitz harritsu baten gainean kokatzen da, Aragvi ibaiaren eskuineko ertzean (Kurako ahotik 1,5 km-ra), ondoan. Gotorlekuak Mtskhetako iparraldeko sarbidea defendatzen zuen, ibaiaren ibarra estutzen den lekuan, mendietatik etor zitezkeen erasoen aurrean. Georgiako monumentu arkeologikoa da.Gaur egun, gotorlekuaren dorrea, mendebaldeko harresia eta gainerako harresien zatiak gordetzen dira. Gazteluaren solairuak, ia triangularra, gutxi gorabehera, 1. 500 m2-ko azalera du, eta horietatik 600 m2 patioan daude. (eu)
has abstract
| - Bebris Tsikhe is an early medieval fortress in Georgia in the historical region of Kartli, Mtskheta. It situated on the right bank of the river Aragvi, on the north of Mtskheta. In ancient time the fortress was called ″Belti″. Vakhushti Bagrationi calls it ″Beltistsikhe″. The fortress was built to protect Mtskheta and Tbilisi from the north, from the side of the Greater Caucasus Range. The fortress naturally fits into the landscape, built to imitate a continuation of the mountain. The walls, over 2 m thick, are built with almost equal-size stones. The fortress has two levels: citadel and the lower courtyard. The citadel has a triangular shape. Three towers were erected at each corner of the triangle. The eastern tower originally had square shape, but it was destroyed and rebuilt in 18th century. The southwestern tower was the largest and also served as a donjon. It has four levels with embrasures, split by wooden ceilings. The walls of the lower courtyard are largely in ruins, but the fortress obviously had a multifaceted shape, following the complicated terrain. Its only tower was built from the east side to protect from the former road side. A part of the tower wall still remains. In the neighborhood of Bebris Tsikhe, archeological layers of ancient and feudal periods are identified. There is no written document about the origin of the fortess'es name. A legend about the Bebris Tsikhe says that once this territory belonged to a prince called Simon, who built the fortress in a narrow part of the ravine and put guards inside it. He had a pretty and kind daughter – Makrine, and a cruel and heartless son Mamuka.After death of the father, Mamuka imposed an enormous tax on peasants. Who was not able to pay a tax was tortured cruelly by Mamuka. In vain begged kind Makrine her brother to mercy the peasants. The cruel brother didn't have a pity for her and imprisoned her in a tower.Once, while peasants were making watery meal in a huge saucepan, unexpectedly two crows came over, flew into the saucepan and were boiled in it. The peasants pored the meal away. When Mamuka learned about it he got very angry and was about to whip them, but in this very moment, from the saucepan emerged snakes and twisted around him. Desperate Mamuka prayed God: ″Just save me and I’ll build a church in your name.″ Makrine watched her brother’s troubles from the window, who also prayed to God to save him. Merciful God accepted prayers and set Mamuka free from snakes. Saved Mamuka gave away his fortune, became a monk and began to collect donation for a church construction. His sister Makrina became a nun in Mtskheta.Many years passed, Makrine died, on her funeral came a white-beard old man, gave a kiss to the deceased and said: ″My sister, we kept our promise″. As soon as he pronounced those words he went on knees and gave his soul to the God. Since that the fortress is called ″Bebris Tsikhe″ (Fortress of an old man). The road was originally passing by the east side of the fortress, along the river bank. In the 19th century a new road was cut through the mountain, now passing by the west side of Bebristsikhe. In 2004, Bebris Tsikhe was indicated as a National Cultural Monuments of Georgia. (en)
- Bebristsije (georgieraz: ბებრისციხე), Natsijvari (ნაციხვარი) bezala ere ezaguna, Mtskheta hiriaren iparraldean erortzeko zorian dagoen gotorleku bat da, Georgiako Mtsika-Mtianetiko eskualdean. Harkaitz harritsu baten gainean kokatzen da, Aragvi ibaiaren eskuineko ertzean (Kurako ahotik 1,5 km-ra), ondoan. Gotorlekuak Mtskhetako iparraldeko sarbidea defendatzen zuen, ibaiaren ibarra estutzen den lekuan, mendietatik etor zitezkeen erasoen aurrean. Georgiako monumentu arkeologikoa da.Gaur egun, gotorlekuaren dorrea, mendebaldeko harresia eta gainerako harresien zatiak gordetzen dira. Gazteluaren solairuak, ia triangularra, gutxi gorabehera, 1. 500 m2-ko azalera du, eta horietatik 600 m2 patioan daude.
* Aurrien Satelite bidezko irudia
* Gotorlekuaren ikuspegia
* Gotorlekuaren ikuspegia
* Gotorlekuaren ikuspegia (eu)
- El castillo de Bebristsije (en georgiano, ბებრისციხე), también conocido como castillo de Natsijvari (ნაციხვარი) es una fortificación en ruinas situada al norte de la ciudad de Mtsjeta, en la región de Mtsjeta-Mtianeti de Georgia. Se ubica en un peñón rocoso abrupto en la orilla derecha del río Aragvi (a 1.5 km de su desembocadura en el Kurá), junto a la carretera militar georgiana. La fortaleza defendía el acceso norte de Mtsjeta, en un punto en el que el valle del río se estrecha, ante posibles ataques desde las montañas. Es un monumento arqueológico de Georgia. En la actualidad se conserva la torre de la ciudadela, el muro occidental y fragmentos del resto de murallas. El área aproximada que cubre la planta del castillo, casi triangular es de 1 500 m², de los que 600 m² corresponden al patio. (es)
- Бебрисцихе (груз. ბებრისციხე — крепость старца. Употребляется также наименование Нацихари — замковище) — крепость в Грузии, ныне руинированная, сильно пострадала от оползня. Археологический памятник. Расположена на крутом утёсе на правом берегу реки Арагви, над Военно-Грузинской дорогой, примерно в полутора километрах от впадения Арагви в Куру. Крепость служила охраной от набегов горских племён. В настоящее время сохранилась часть башни цитадели, западная стена и отдельные элементы других укреплений. (ru)