Bella Galhos (born 1972) is a former East Timorese independence activist during the period of Indonesian occupation of East Timor and has been a translator, presidential advisor, human rights activist and environmentalist since independence in 2002.
Bella Galhos (* 10. November 1972 in Portugiesisch-Timor), eigentlich Isabel Antonia da Costa Galhos, ist eine osttimoresische Unabhängigkeits- und LBGTQ-Aktivistin. (de)
Bella Galhos (born 1972) is a former East Timorese independence activist during the period of Indonesian occupation of East Timor and has been a translator, presidential advisor, human rights activist and environmentalist since independence in 2002. (en)
Bella Galhos (ur. 1972) – działaczka społeczna na rzecz niepodległości Timoru Wschodniego oraz praw osób LGBT. (pl)
Bella Galhos (* 10. November 1972 in Portugiesisch-Timor), eigentlich Isabel Antonia da Costa Galhos, ist eine osttimoresische Unabhängigkeits- und LBGTQ-Aktivistin. (de)
Bella Galhos (born 1972) is a former East Timorese independence activist during the period of Indonesian occupation of East Timor and has been a translator, presidential advisor, human rights activist and environmentalist since independence in 2002. (en)
Bella Galhos (ur. 1972) – działaczka społeczna na rzecz niepodległości Timoru Wschodniego oraz praw osób LGBT. (pl)