| - برنارد بارو (بالإنجليزية: Bernard Barrow) هو مخرج وممثل أمريكي، ولد في 30 ديسمبر 1927 بنيويورك في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي بنفس المكان في 4 أغسطس 1993 بسبب سرطان الرئة. (ar)
- Bernard Barrow (New York, 30 december 1927 – aldaar, 4 augustus 1993) was een Amerikaans acteur, professor drama en toneelregisseur Barrow was ook actief onder de namen Bernard E. Barrow en Bernie Barrow. (nl)
- 버나드 배로우(Bernard Barrow, 1927년 12월 30일 ~ 1993년 8월 4일)는 미국의 배우, 텔레비전 배우, 영화배우, 무대 연출가이다. 뉴욕에서 태어났으며 뉴욕에서 사망하였다.(사인: 폐암) (ko)
- Bernard Elliott "Bernie" Barrow (December 30, 1927 – August 4, 1993) was an American actor and collegiate drama professor. He was best known as an actor for his role as Johnny Ryan, a publican and the patriarch of an Irish-American family on the television soap opera Ryan's Hope, on which he appeared from 1975 until the show's demise in 1989. (en)