| - مختبر بتيس للطاقة الذرية هو عبارة عن منشأة بحث وتطوير مملوكة لحكومة الولايات المتحدة في ضاحية غرب ميفلين بولاية بنسلفانيا في بيتسبيرغ والتي تعمل بشكل حصري على تصميم وتطوير الطاقة النووية لصالح البحرية الأمريكية. ويعد واحدا في إنشاء البحرية النووية. (ar)
- 贝蒂斯原子动力研究所(Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)是位于匹兹堡,美国联邦政府管辖的一处原子能研究机构。主要为美国海军研发反应堆,用于航母等载具。 该机构成立于1949年,属于海军核动力推进计划的一部分。 (zh)
- Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory is a U.S. Government-owned research and development facility in the Pittsburgh suburb of West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, that works exclusively on the design and development of nuclear power for the U.S. Navy. It was one of the leaders in creating the nuclear navy. The laboratory is part of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a joint U.S Navy-Department of Energy program responsible for the research, design, construction, operation and maintenance of U.S. nuclear-powered warships. (en)
- Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory adalah penelitian dan pengembangan fasilitas Pemerintah AS dioperasikan oleh Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation dan terletak di Pittsburgh pinggiran West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. Ini semata-mata berfokus pada desain dan pengembangan tenaga nuklir untuk US Navy dan salah satu pemimpin dalam menciptakan "angkatan laut nuklir". (in)
has abstract
| - مختبر بتيس للطاقة الذرية هو عبارة عن منشأة بحث وتطوير مملوكة لحكومة الولايات المتحدة في ضاحية غرب ميفلين بولاية بنسلفانيا في بيتسبيرغ والتي تعمل بشكل حصري على تصميم وتطوير الطاقة النووية لصالح البحرية الأمريكية. ويعد واحدا في إنشاء البحرية النووية. (ar)
- Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory is a U.S. Government-owned research and development facility in the Pittsburgh suburb of West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, that works exclusively on the design and development of nuclear power for the U.S. Navy. It was one of the leaders in creating the nuclear navy. The laboratory is part of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a joint U.S Navy-Department of Energy program responsible for the research, design, construction, operation and maintenance of U.S. nuclear-powered warships. The laboratory was founded in 1949 on the site of the former Bettis Field, named after Cyrus Bettis. It covers approximately 207 acres (0.84 km2). From the Lab's founding until 1998, it was run by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Bechtel Corporation won the contract to run the laboratory on September 19, 2008 and assumed operation on February 1, 2009, first under its subsidiary Bechtel Bettis, Inc., later under Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation. The contract changed hands again when Fluor Corporation, as their subsidiary Fluor Marine Propulsion, LLC won the contract to run the laboratory on July 12, 2018 and assumed operations on October 1, 2018. The laboratory developed Oak Ridge National Laboratory's original design of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) for operational naval use. It built the nuclear propulsion plants for the first U.S. nuclear submarines and surface ships including USS Nautilus, USS George Washington, USS Long Beach, and USS Enterprise. Westinghouse's Nuclear Power Division adapted the PWR design for commercial use and built the first commercial nuclear power plant in the United States, the Shippingport Power Plant in the west hills of Pittsburgh. The laboratory had two supercomputers listed on the 26th TOP500 List (November 2005). Ranked 97 a 1,090 processor Opteron system and ranked 405 a 536 processor Itanium 2 system. The laboratory is also home to the U.S. Navy's Bettis Reactor Engineering School. The school provides a post-graduate certificate program in nuclear engineering with a focus on nuclear reactor design, construction, and operations. It is open only to naval personnel and Bettis engineers. The laboratory had been chosen to develop the Project Prometheus nuclear power source for the JIMO (Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter) project, however, funding for this program was cancelled in the fall of 2005. (en)
- Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory adalah penelitian dan pengembangan fasilitas Pemerintah AS dioperasikan oleh Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation dan terletak di Pittsburgh pinggiran West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. Ini semata-mata berfokus pada desain dan pengembangan tenaga nuklir untuk US Navy dan salah satu pemimpin dalam menciptakan "angkatan laut nuklir". Laboratorium ini didirikan pada tahun 1949 di lokasi bekas Bettis Field dan dinamai Cyrus Bettis. Ini mencakup sekitar 207 acre (0,84 km2) dan dioperasikan untuk Departemen Energi (DOE) oleh Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation, anak perusahaan yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh Bechtel Corporation. Bechtel memenangkan kontrak untuk menjalankan laboratorium pada tanggal 19 September 2008 dan diasumsikan operasi pada tanggal 1 Februari 2009; Sebelumnya Lab dioperasikan oleh anak perusahaan Bechtel lain, Bechtel Bettis, Inc. Dari berdirinya Lab sampai tahun 1998, dijalankan oleh Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Pekerjaan laboratorium merupakan bagian dari Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, yang merupakan gabungan Program Angkatan Laut AS-DOE bertanggung jawab atas penelitian, desain, konstruksi, operasi dan pemeliharaan kapal perang AS bertenaga nuklir. Laboratorium mengembangkan desain asli Oak Ridge National Laboratory dari reaktor air bertekanan (PWR) untuk digunakan operasional angkatan laut. Perusahaan membangun propulsi nuklir untuk kapal selam pertama nuklir AS dan kapal permukaan termasuk USS Nautilus (SSN-571), USS George Washington (SSBN-598), USS Long Beach (CGN-9), dan USS Enterprise ( CVN-65). (in)
- 贝蒂斯原子动力研究所(Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)是位于匹兹堡,美国联邦政府管辖的一处原子能研究机构。主要为美国海军研发反应堆,用于航母等载具。 该机构成立于1949年,属于海军核动力推进计划的一部分。 (zh)