| - Bhuvanaikabahu VII, ou Bhuvanekabãhu VII, (1468 - 29 décembre 1551) est un roi du Royaume de Kotte, de la dynastie Siri Sanga Bo, dans l'actuel Sri Lanka. (fr)
- Бгуванайкабаху VII (*1468 — 1551) — 7-й магараджа Котте у 1528—1551 роках. (uk)
- Bhuvaneka Bahu VII fou rei de Kotte (1521-1551). Era fill de Vijayabahu VII al que va succeir mitjançant una revolució. El Mahavansa diu que fou un rei de bon cor però totalment dependent dels portuguesos per mantenir el tron en contra del seu germà Mayadunne (per tot el relacionat amb aquest conflicte durant el seu regnat, vegeu la biografia de Mayadunne) En aquest regnat es va escriure el Saddarmalankara, una obra en prosa contenint petites apologies i que explica els principis del budisme (ca)
- Bhuvanaikabahu VII (1468 – 29 December 1550) was King of Kotte in the sixteenth century, who ruled from 1521 to 1551. He was the eldest son of Vijayabahu VII of Kotte, whom he succeeded, and his chief queen Anula Kahatuda. He was born in 1468 and his brothers were Mayadunne of Sitawaka and Rayigam Bandara. After his father married a second time, his new queen brought a son from another relationship called Deva Rajasinghe, who the king intended to pass on the crown to, and Bhuvanaikabahu and his two brothers responded by fleeing the kingdom, and on their return they had an army given by the King of Kandy. (en)