Celiangeli Morales Meléndez (born 2 November 1985) is a sprinter from Puerto Rico. She competed in the 200 metres at the 2015 World Championships in Athletics in Beijing without advancing from the first round.
Celiangeli Morales Meléndez (Puerto Rico, 2 de novembre de 1985) és una corredora de velocitat porto-riquenya. Va competir en els 200 metres llisos al Campionat del Món d'atletisme de 2015 de Pequín sense avançar de la primera ronda. Les seves millors marques son:
* 100 metres – 11,39 (0.0 m/s, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 2014)
* 200 metres – 23,00 (+0.8 m/s, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2016) (ca)
Celiangeli Morales Meléndez (born 2 November 1985) is a sprinter from Puerto Rico. She competed in the 200 metres at the 2015 World Championships in Athletics in Beijing without advancing from the first round. (en)