| - The City of San Francisco was a streamlined through passenger train which ran from 1936 to 1971 on the Overland Route between Chicago, Illinois and Oakland, California, with a ferry connection on to San Francisco. It was owned and operated jointly by the Chicago and North Western Railway (1936–55), Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (1955–71), the Union Pacific Railroad, and the Southern Pacific Railroad. It provided premium extra fare service from Chicago to San Francisco when introduced in 1936 with a running time of 39 hours and 45 minutes each way. (en)
- City of San Francisco war ein von 1936 bis 1971 durch die Union Pacific (UP) in Kooperation mit Southern Pacific und Chicago & North Western (C&NW, ab 1955 mit der Milwaukee Road) betriebener luxuriöser Nachtzug zwischen Oakland an der Bucht von San Francisco und Chicago. Er war zugleich die erste Stromlinienzugverbindung über die historisch erste transkontinentale Eisenbahnstrecke Nordamerikas. Der westwärts fahrende Zug hatte die Nr. 101, Zug-Nr. 102 fuhr in Richtung Osten. (de)
- City of San Francisco era il nome di una relazione ferroviaria per passeggeri svolta congiuntamente dalla Chicago and North Western Railway, Southern Pacific Railroad, e Union Pacific Railroad usando un convoglio streamline, operativa dal 1936 al 1960. (it)
- シティ・オブ・サンフランシスコ (City of San Francisco) は101.102列車として、1936年から1971年までユニオン・パシフィック鉄道 (Union Pacific Railroad) が、サザン・パシフィック鉄道 (Southern Pacific Railroad)、シカゴ・ノース・ウェスタン鉄道 (Chicago and North Western Railway) と提携し、イリノイ州シカゴとカリフォルニア州オークランド・サンフランシスコ間を運行した代表的な大陸横断の旅客列車。 (ja)