| - Clement Lanier (1580/85, Anglaterra - St. Alphage Church Greenwich, Kent, 6 de novembre de 1661), a va ser un músic anglès i gravador. Va ser fill de , i Lucretia Bassano, i per tant, oncle de , l'artista-músic. Encara que es coneixia com a "Senyor", tots els músics reals van obtenir aquest títol. En aquest context, la paraula no va transmetre el significat habitual d'un home que posseís un escut d'armes o un ingrés de béns que eliminés la necessitat de treballar per als mitjans de subsistència. (ca)
- Clement Lanier was an English musician and recorder player. He was the son of Nicholas Lanier, the Elder and , and hence uncle of Nicholas Lanier, the artist-musician. Clement Lanier was born circa 1580-85 in England, and was buried 6 Nov 1661 at St. Alphage Church Greenwich, County Kent. His will was proved 3 Dec 1661 and registered 20 May 1662 (TNA/PCC PROB 11/306), with his daughter, Hannah, as Executrix. Although referred to as a "Gentleman," all royal musicians were afforded this title. In this context, the word did not convey the usual meaning of a man possessing a coat of arms or an income from property that eliminated the need to work for one’s livelihood. (en)
has abstract
| - Clement Lanier (1580/85, Anglaterra - St. Alphage Church Greenwich, Kent, 6 de novembre de 1661), a va ser un músic anglès i gravador. Va ser fill de , i Lucretia Bassano, i per tant, oncle de , l'artista-músic. Encara que es coneixia com a "Senyor", tots els músics reals van obtenir aquest títol. En aquest context, la paraula no va transmetre el significat habitual d'un home que posseís un escut d'armes o un ingrés de béns que eliminés la necessitat de treballar per als mitjans de subsistència. Clement va ser Músic en Ordinari en els gravadors de 1625, i el músic d'instruments de vent del Rei 1633-42; va ser Músic per a la flauta 1660-62. Quan Carles I va ser executat, els van patir contratemps i dificultats financeres amb pèrdua d'ingressos des de la ruptura de la cort reial, mentre recolzaven al Príncep de Gal·les (després Carlos II) i les seves lluites per recuperar el tron. El nebot de Clement, Nicolás Lanier (fill de John i Frances, i net de Nicolas (I)), havia reunit una gran col·lecció d'art per al seu sobirà, Carles I. Durant el Protectorat, la col·lecció es va dispersar en una subhasta. Es diu que Clement i el seu germà Jerom van poder comprar algunes de les pintures. Clement Lanier i Hannah Collett es van casar el 17 d'abril de 1628 a la parròquia de St. Martin Ludgate, Londres, amb una llicència fora de les facultats (vegeu el registre parroquial). Hannah era la filla de John Collet, draper (d. 1630) i la seva esposa Hannah, de la parròquia d'All Hallows Lombard Street. No s'ha trobat cap registre del seu matrimoni. Hannah Collet es va casar en segones núpcies, amb Walter Carter i va ser enterrada el 27 de setembre de 1647 a St. Alphage, Greenwich. La seva voluntat fou nomenar hereus la filla Hannah Lanier, gendre, Clement Lanier i els seus nets Hannah Lanier i John Lanier, així com els seus altres fills. Clement i Hannah Lanier són els progenitors de la línia nord-americana de Laniers i Barbados. Tots els baptismes i enterraments coneguts dels seus fills van tenir lloc a l'església de St. Alphage, a Greenwich, al comtat de Kent, i apareixen al registre d'aquesta parròquia. (Un baptisme desaparegut en un registre parroquial no implica el bateig en un altre lloc, sinó que sol ser un descuit del secretari parroquial de registrar l'esdeveniment):
* 1. Hannah Lanier (bategada 13 de febrer de 1629/30); m. Thomas Swetnam 1665; Acreditada pel seu pare per criar els germans després de la mort de la seva mare
* 2. John Lanier (any de naixement desconegut); falta al registre parroquial; d. al voltant de 1683 a Prince George Co., VA, m. bef 1656 Lucreece a Anglaterra, dos fills
* 3. Susanna Lanier (bat. 16 de juny de 1633); Va morir jove
* 4. Nicholas Lanier (bat. 26 de març de 1635)
* 5. Susanna Lanier II (any de naixement desconegut); Desapareguts en el registre parroquial, però menors de 21 anys el 1658 així que el 1637
* 6. Lucretia Lanier (bat. 17 de gener de 1638/9); d. bef 1658
* 7. Charles Lanier (any de naixement desconegut); baptisme que falta en el registre parroquial; Enterrat el 26 de gener de 1656/7
* 8. Robert Lanier (bat. 22 de maig de 1642); d. Barbados o Virgínia; M. Rebecca, dos fills coneguts
* 9. Lionel Lanier (bat. 17 de febrer de 1643/4); va morir mentre servia un aprenentatge; Enterrat el 19 de setembre de 1665 a St Benet Paul's Wharf, Londres
* 10. Frances Lanier (bat. 3 d'abril de 1646)
* 11. William Lanier (bat. 14 d'octubre de 1647)
* 12. Elizabeth Lanier (any de naixement desconegut); Falta al registre parroquial NOTA: Dels fills anteriors, Robert, Lionel, William, Hannah, Elizabeth, Susanne i Frances van rebre petits llegats en el testament de la germana del seu pare, Catherine Lanier Farrant, escrits el 24 d'agost de 1659 (TNA / PCC PROB / 11 / 305). Això implica que John Lanier ja havia marxat de casa, possiblement amb l'emigració als Estats Units, mentre Robert encara era a Anglaterra, si no a Greenwich. (ca)
- Clement Lanier was an English musician and recorder player. He was the son of Nicholas Lanier, the Elder and , and hence uncle of Nicholas Lanier, the artist-musician. Clement Lanier was born circa 1580-85 in England, and was buried 6 Nov 1661 at St. Alphage Church Greenwich, County Kent. His will was proved 3 Dec 1661 and registered 20 May 1662 (TNA/PCC PROB 11/306), with his daughter, Hannah, as Executrix. Although referred to as a "Gentleman," all royal musicians were afforded this title. In this context, the word did not convey the usual meaning of a man possessing a coat of arms or an income from property that eliminated the need to work for one’s livelihood. Clement was Musician in Ordinary on recorders 1625, and King's musician of wind instruments 1633-42; he was Musician for the flute 1660-62. When Charles I was executed, the Laniers suffered financial setbacks and hardships with loss of income from the breaking up of the royal court, while they supported the Prince of Wales (later Charles II) and his struggles to regain the throne. Clement's nephew, Nicholas Lanier II (son of John and Frances, and grandson of Nicholas The Elder), had assembled a great art collection for their sovereign Charles I. During The Protectorate, the collection was dispersed at auction. It is said that Clement and his brother Jerome Lanier were able to purchase some of the paintings. Clement Lanier and Hannah Collett married 17 April 1628 in the parish of St. Martin Ludgate, London, with a license out of the faculties (see the Parish register). Hannah was the daughter of John Collet, Draper (d. 1630) and his wife Anne of the parish of All Hallows Lombard Street. No record has been found of their marriage. Anne Collet married second, Walter Carter and was buried September 27, 1647 at St. Alphage, Greenwich. Her will (TNA/PCC PROB 11/201) names daughter Hannah Lanier, son-in-law, Clement Lanier, and grandchildren Hannah Lanier and John Lanier, as well as her other children. Clement and Hannah Lanier are the progenitors of both the American line of Laniers and the Barbados line. All known baptisms and burials of their children took place at St. Alphage Church in Greenwich, County Kent and appear in the register of that parish. (A missing baptism in a parish register does not imply baptism elsewhere but usually a failure of the parish clerk to record the event):
* 1. Hannah Lanier (bapt. 13 Feb 1629/30); m. Thomas Swetnam 1665; credited by her father with raising siblings after death of their mother
* 2. John Lanier (birth year unknown); missing from parish register; d. circa 1683 in Prince George Co., VA, m. bef 1656 Lucreece in England, two children
* 3. Susanna Lanier (bapt. 16 Jun 1633); died young
* 4. Nicholas Lanier (bapt. 26 Mar 1635)
* 5. Susanna Lanier II (birth year unknown); missing from parish register, but under 21 years of age in 1658 so aft 1637
* 6. Lucretia Lanier (bapt. 17 Jan 1638/9); d. bef 1658
* 7. Charles Lanier (birth year unknown); baptism missing from parish register; buried 26 Jan 1656/7
* 8. Robert Lanier (bapt. 22 May 1642); d. Barbados or Virginia; m. Rebecca, two known children
* 9. Lionel Lanier (bapt. 17 Feb 1643/4); died while serving an apprenticeship; buried 19 Sep 1665 at St Benet Paul's Wharf, London
* 10. Frances Lanier (bapt. 3 Apr 1646)
* 11. William Lanier (bapt. 14 Oct 1647)
* 12. Elizabeth Lanier (birth year unknown); missing from parish register NOTE: Of the above children, Robert, Lionel, William, Hannah, Elizabeth, Susanne, and Frances received small bequests in the will of their father's sister, Catherine Lanier Farrant, written 24 Aug 1659 (TNA/PCC PROB/11/305). This implies that John Lanier had already left home, possibly with emigration to American, while Robert was still in England, if not Greenwich. (en)