Clive Hart Day (February 11, 1871 – July 27, 1951) was an American college professor and the author of History of Commerce. He was chief of the Balkan Division of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace in Paris in 1918–19.
كلايف داي (بالإنجليزية: Clive Day) هو مؤرخ واقتصادي أمريكي، ولد في 11 فبراير 1871، وتوفي في 27 يوليو 1951. (ar)
Clive Hart Day (February 11, 1871 – July 27, 1951) was an American college professor and the author of History of Commerce. He was chief of the Balkan Division of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace in Paris in 1918–19. (en)