co-ment is an online word processor allowing collaborative writing and commenting. It was inspired by the software package stet, which was created to handle the GNU GPL version 3 online revision. It is free software, available under Affero GPL.
co-ment is an online word processor allowing collaborative writing and commenting. It was inspired by the software package stet, which was created to handle the GNU GPL version 3 online revision. It is free software, available under Affero GPL. (en)
co-ment est un éditeur de texte en ligne, permettant à plusieurs personnes de travailler à l’élaboration d’un texte. Il est le descendant du logiciel conçu pour le processus de révision en ligne de la licence GNU GPL version 3 et est disponible librement, sous licence Affero_GPL. (fr)
co-ment is an online word processor allowing collaborative writing and commenting. It was inspired by the software package stet, which was created to handle the GNU GPL version 3 online revision. It is free software, available under Affero GPL. (en)
co-ment est un éditeur de texte en ligne, permettant à plusieurs personnes de travailler à l’élaboration d’un texte. Il est le descendant du logiciel conçu pour le processus de révision en ligne de la licence GNU GPL version 3 et est disponible librement, sous licence Affero_GPL. (fr)