Conneaut Area Senior High School, known locally as "CASH", is a public high school located within the borough of Linesville, Pennsylvania, USA. Situated at 302 West School Drive, the high school serves the Boroughs of Conneaut Lake, Conneautville, Linesville and Springboro; and the Townships of Beaver, Conneaut, East Fallowfield, Greenwood, North Shenango, Pine, Sadsbury, Spring, Summerhill, Summit and West Fallowfield. It is the only high school for students in grades 9–12 in the Conneaut School District. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2019, the school reported an enrollment of 635 pupils in grades 9th through 12th. The school employed 46 teachers yielding a student-teacher ratio of 14:1.