Copyright in Oman is regulated by the Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights issued by Royal Decree No 65/2008 which was later amended by Royal Decree No 132/2008.
Copyright in Oman is regulated by the Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights issued by Royal Decree No 65/2008 which was later amended by Royal Decree No 132/2008. (en)
Авторское право в Оман регулируется законом Об охране авторского права и смежных прав, утверждённом Королевским Указом № 65/2008, и Королевским Указом № 132/2008. (ru)
Copyright in Oman is regulated by the Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights issued by Royal Decree No 65/2008 which was later amended by Royal Decree No 132/2008. (en)
Авторское право в Оман регулируется законом Об охране авторского права и смежных прав, утверждённом Королевским Указом № 65/2008, и Королевским Указом № 132/2008. (ru)