Cosmina Anișoara Dușa (born 4 March 1990) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a forward for Beroe in Bulgaria and the Romanian national team. As a player she won the national championship, the national cup and was top scorer of the league.
Cosmina Anișoara Dușa (* 4. März 1990 in Iernut, Kreis Mureș) ist eine rumänische Fußballspielerin. (de)
Cosmina Anișoara Dușa (born 4 March 1990) is a Romanian footballer who plays as a forward for Beroe in Bulgaria and the Romanian national team. As a player she won the national championship, the national cup and was top scorer of the league. (en)
Cosmina Anișoara Dușa (Iernut, 4 marzo 1990) è una calciatrice rumena, attaccante del Konak e della nazionale rumena. (it)
Космина Анишоара Душа (рум. Cosmina Anișoara Dușa, 4 марта 1990 года, Ернут) — румынская футболистка, нападающая клуба «» и . (ru)
Косміна Анішоара Душа (рум. Cosmina Anișoara Dușa, нар. 4 березня 1990 року, Ернут) — румунська футболістка, форвард клубу «Конак Беледієспор» та збірної Румунії. (uk)