David Steindl-Rast OSB (born July 12, 1926) is an American Catholic Benedictine monk, author, and lecturer. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and has dealt with the interaction between spirituality and science.
David Steindl-Rast, OSB (* 12. července, 1926, Vídeň, Rakousko) je rakouský benediktinský mnich. Mnoha publikacemi a přednáškami přispěl k tématu mezináboženského dialogu. (cs)
David Steindl-Rast OSB (born July 12, 1926) is an American Catholic Benedictine monk, author, and lecturer. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and has dealt with the interaction between spirituality and science. (en)
David Steindl-Rast OSB (* 12. Juli 1926 in Wien) ist ein österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Benediktinermönch, Eremit, spiritueller Lehrer und weltweit tätiger Vortragsreisender. (de)
Broeder David Steindl-Rast (Wenen, 1926) is een Oostenrijkse schrijver. (nl)