| - Dicynodontoides es un género extinto de dicinodonto proveniente del Pérmico Tardío del valle Ruhuhu en Tanzania (especie D. nowacki) y del Karoo en Sudáfrica (especie D. recurvidens), ambos en África. (es)
- Il dicinodontoide (gen. Dicynodontoides), noto anche con il nome di kingoria (gen. Kingoria), è un terapside estinto, appartenente ai dicinodonti. Visse nel Permiano superiore (circa 259 - 254 milioni di anni fa) e i suoi resti fossili sono stati ritrovati in Africa e in Asia. (it)
- 似二齒獸屬(學名:Dicynodontoides)是獸孔目二齒獸類的一屬,生存於二疊紀晚期的非洲與印度。目前已有兩個命名種,D. recurvidens 的化石被發現於南非,D. nowacki的化石被發現於坦尚尼亞。還有一個被發現於印度的標本,沒有被歸類於上述兩種之一。儘管名稱類似,似二齒獸是二齒獸的遠親。 近年,金氏獸(Kingoria)、似二齒獸被發現是相同物種。化石較多的金氏獸,較常被文獻書籍提到;化石較少的似二齒獸,則較少被提到。根據國際動物命名法規,較早被命名的似二齒獸具有優先權,較晚被命名的金氏獸是似二齒獸的次異名。 (zh)
- Dicynodontoides is a genus of small to medium-bodied, herbivorous, emydopoid dicynodonts from the Late Permian. The name Dicynodontoides references its “dicynodont-like” appearance (dicynodont = two-dog-tooth) due to the caniniform tusks featured by most members of this infraorder. Kingoria, a junior synonym, has been used more widely in the literature than the more obscure Dicynodontoides, which is similar-sounding to another distantly related genus of dicynodont, Dicynodon. Two species are recognized: D. recurvidens from South Africa, and D. nowacki from Tanzania. (en)