The diving competitions at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast, Queensland was held from 10 to 14 April at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre. A total of ten events was contested (five for men and five for women).
Bei den Commonwealth Games 2018 in Gold Coast, Australien, wurden vom 11. bis 14. April 2018 im Wasserspringen zehn Wettbewerbe ausgetragen, davon je fünf für Männer und Frauen. Austragungsort war das Gold Coast Aquatic Centre. Erfolgreichste Nation war England mit viermal Gold, dreimal Silber und einmal Bronze, vor Australien das je dreimal Gold und Silber sowie fünfmal Bronze gewann. Der erfolgreichste Athlet war Jack Laugher, der sich drei Goldmedaillen sicherte. (de)
The diving competitions at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast, Queensland was held from 10 to 14 April at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre. A total of ten events was contested (five for men and five for women). (en)
Le competizioni di tuffi ai XXI Giochi del Commonwealth si sono svolte dall'11 al 14 aprile 2018. (it)
Os saltos ornamentais nos Jogos da Commonwealth de 2018 integrou o programa dos esportes aquáticos que foram realizados no , em Gold Coast, na Austrália. Dez eventos foram disputados de 11 a 14 de abril. (pt)