| - Dystopia (dt.: Dystopie) war eine Sludge-Band aus Orange County, Kalifornien. (de)
- Dystopia was an American crust punk band that formed in Orange County, California in 1991. They were popular in both the heavy metal and punk scenes, due in large part to the band's bleak, misanthropic imagery. Dystopia's lyrics often dealt with human emotions and social or political issues such as environmentalism, racial equality, substance abuse, and animal rights. Their music utilized the slow, heavy sound of sludge metal whilst including more up-beat elements drawing from crust punk, grindcore, and noise rock. (en)
- Dystopia fue una banda norteamericana de crust punk, formada en 1991 y oriunda de Orange County, California.​ (es)
- I Dystopia sono un gruppo musicale, formatosi nella contea di Orange, California, nel 1992, popolare nella scena crust punk come in quella heavy metal. I testi trattano spesso di emozioni umane come di problematiche sociopolitiche, come uguaglianza razziale, ambientalismo, animalismo, veganesimo o vegetarianesimo. (it)
- Dystopia was een Amerikaanse sludgemetalband uit Orange County (Californië). (nl)