| - Elaine Marley es uno de los tres principales personajes de la serie de videojuegos Monkey Island, desarrollada por LucasArts. (es)
- Elaine Marley–Threepwood is een personage uit de "Monkey Island"-reeks, een grafisch click&play avonturenspel waarvan delen uitgebracht zijn door "LucasArts", "Telltale Games" en . Elaine is een van de hoofdpersonages uit de reeks. Hoewel ze in The Secret of Monkey Island eerder een harteloze gouverneur is, evolueert haar karakter in latere spellen. Ze wordt eerst de vriendin, daarna verloofde en uiteindelijk echtgenote van Guybrush Threepwood. (nl)
- Elaine Marley è un personaggio delle avventure grafiche della serie Monkey Island, prodotta dalla LucasArts tra il 1990 e il 2009. Elaine è la governatrice di Mêlée Island, Booty Island e Plunder Island nipote del precedente governatore Horatio Torquemada Marley. È una donna molto intraprendente e forte e ha una passione particolare per le persone imbranate e ingenue; infatti appena conosce Guybrush Threepwood se ne innamora. Per sua sfortuna è la preda amorosa del temibile pirata LeChuck, anche se lei non lo degna neanche di uno sguardo, e ogni volta che viene rapita, il ruolo dell'eroe tocca proprio a Guybrush, che ogni volta per salvarla è costretto ad affrontare mille peripezie fra i mari del sud. (it)
- 伊蓮·瑪蕾(英語:Elaine Marley)是由電子遊戲製作人羅恩·吉伯特所創造、LucasArts公司發行的《猴島小英雄》冒險遊戲系列女主角。 (zh)
- Elaine Marley (from Escape From Monkey Island onward called Elaine Marley-Threepwood) is a fictional character in the Monkey Island series of graphic adventure video games. Created by Ron Gilbert for LucasArts, the character first appears in The Secret of Monkey Island and is one of the core characters in the franchise. Originally conceived as a ruthless island governor, the character evolved during development into the protagonist's love interest. While the first two games in the series did not feature voice acting, Elaine was voiced by Alexandra Boyd in The Curse of Monkey Island and by Charity James in Escape from Monkey Island; Boyd would reprise the role for later entries in the franchise. (en)