The Electric Launch Company, later renamed Elco Motor Yachts ("Elco"), is an American boat building and electric motor company that has operated from 1893 to 1949 and from 1987 to the present.
The Electric Launch Company, later renamed Elco Motor Yachts ("Elco"), is an American boat building and electric motor company that has operated from 1893 to 1949 and from 1987 to the present. (en)
La Electric Launch Company (acronimo: ELCO), successivamente denominata Elco Motor Yachts è un'azienda statunitense che produce imbarcazioni e motori elettrici attiva dal 1893 al 1949 e dal 1987 a oggi. (it)
Electric Launch Company, пізніше перейменована на Elco Motor Yachts — суднобудівна компанія з США, яка будує човни та електричні мотори у періоди з 1893 по 1949 та з 1987 дотепер. (uk)
The Electric Launch Company, later renamed Elco Motor Yachts ("Elco"), is an American boat building and electric motor company that has operated from 1893 to 1949 and from 1987 to the present. (en)
La Electric Launch Company (acronimo: ELCO), successivamente denominata Elco Motor Yachts è un'azienda statunitense che produce imbarcazioni e motori elettrici attiva dal 1893 al 1949 e dal 1987 a oggi. (it)
Electric Launch Company, пізніше перейменована на Elco Motor Yachts — суднобудівна компанія з США, яка будує човни та електричні мотори у періоди з 1893 по 1949 та з 1987 дотепер. (uk)