Elmira High School (often abbreviated as EHS) is a public high school in Elmira, Oregon, United States, located approximately 15 miles from Eugene, Oregon. It is one of the four schools of the Fern Ridge School District and provides an education of grades 9-12 for the city of Veneta, as well as for the towns of Elmira, Noti and Walton. Total enrollment numbers range from 350 to 450 students with a roughly even gender ratio. They operate on a seven period schedule over the course of two semesters, beginning in early September and ending in early June. EHS has four main buildings. In the lower left corner of the school consists of the main office and entrance, the theatre, library and the main studio for the school's radio station KOCF 92.7 FM, hosted by Stuart "Stu" Burgess. This building a