| - Emily Jane Bell, né le 14 septembre 1965 à King's Lynn, est une journaliste et universitaire britannique. (fr)
- Emily Jane Bell ) és una periodista i docent anglesa. És professora de Periodisme a la Universitat de Colúmbia (Columbia School of Journalism) i directora del Centre Tow de Periodisme Digital, part de la CSJ, a Nova York. Abans d'assumir el seu càrrec acadèmic al Centre Tow l'any 2010, Bell havia treballat als diaris The Guardian i Observer des del 1990. (ca)
- Emily Jane Bell (born 14 September 1965) is a British academic and journalist. She is Professor of Professional Practice at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (Columbia School of Journalism) and the Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, part of the CSJ, in New York City. Before taking up her academic post at the Tow Center in 2010, Bell had worked for The Guardian and Observer newspapers since 1990. (en)
has abstract
| - Emily Jane Bell ) és una periodista i docent anglesa. És professora de Periodisme a la Universitat de Colúmbia (Columbia School of Journalism) i directora del Centre Tow de Periodisme Digital, part de la CSJ, a Nova York. Abans d'assumir el seu càrrec acadèmic al Centre Tow l'any 2010, Bell havia treballat als diaris The Guardian i Observer des del 1990. El 1987 es va graduar a Christ Church, Oxford. Va començar la seva carrera a Big Farm Weekly el mateix any, i el 1988 es va unir a , una revista per a negocis de publicitat. El juny de 2000, Bell va esdevenir editora executiva de la web de Media Guardian, i editora en cap del Guardian Unlimited el febrer de 2001. El setembre de 2006, Bell va passar a formar part de la junta de Guardian Newspapers Ltd i va assumir el càrrec de directora de contingut digital per Guardian News and Media. Emily Bell va convertir-se en directora no executiva de l'Scott Trust, propietari del , el gener de 2013. (ca)
- Emily Jane Bell (born 14 September 1965) is a British academic and journalist. She is Professor of Professional Practice at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (Columbia School of Journalism) and the Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, part of the CSJ, in New York City. Before taking up her academic post at the Tow Center in 2010, Bell had worked for The Guardian and Observer newspapers since 1990. Born in King's Lynn, Norfolk, Bell read jurisprudence at Christ Church, Oxford, and graduated in 1987. She began her career on Big Farm Weekly that year, and then joined Campaign, the magazine for the advertising business, in 1988. In 1990, Bell joined The Observer as a business reporter becoming Media Business Editor in 1995, deputy business editor, and then Business Editor during 1998. In June 2000, Bell became executive editor of the Media Guardian website, and editor-in-chief of Guardian Unlimited in February 2001. In September 2006, Bell was appointed to the board of Guardian Newspapers Ltd and assumed the role of director of digital content for Guardian News and Media. Emily Bell became a non-executive director of the Scott Trust, which owns the Guardian Media Group, in January 2013. Bell is an editor of Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in the Surveillance State, published by Columbia University Press in March, 2017. She is also one of the 25 leading figures on the Information and Democracy Commission launched by Reporters Without Borders. (en)
- Emily Jane Bell, né le 14 septembre 1965 à King's Lynn, est une journaliste et universitaire britannique. (fr)