Englee is a small fishing community on the east side of the Great Northern Peninsula in a sheltered harbour on the northern headland of Canada Bay, on the island of Newfoundland in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Englee is a small fishing community on the east side of the Great Northern Peninsula in a sheltered harbour on the northern headland of Canada Bay, on the island of Newfoundland in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. (en)
Englee est une municipalité canadienne située à l'ouest de l'île de Terre-Neuve dans la province de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. (fr)
Englee is een gemeente (town) in de Canadese provincie Newfoundland en Labrador. Englee ligt in het noorden van het eiland Newfoundland, aan de oostkust van het Great Northern Peninsula. (nl)
Englee (Terra Nova e Labrador) é uma pequena cidade, no lado leste da Grande Península do Norte, em um porto abrigado no promontório norte da Baía do Canadá, na província canadense de Terra Nova e Labrador. De acordo com o censo canadense de 2016, a cidade tinha uma população de 527 habitantes. (pt)
Енглі (англ. Englee) — містечко в Канаді, у провінції Ньюфаундленд і Лабрадор. (uk)