| - Die Epoxies waren eine aus Portland (Oregon) stammende amerikanische New Wave/Punkband, deren Musik besonders durch Synthesizer und den relativ monoton klingenden Gesang geprägt war. Die Mitglieder der Band verwendeten allesamt Pseudonyme. (de)
- The Epoxies, ou simplement Epoxies, est un groupe de new wave américain, originaire de Portland, en Oregon. Le groupe est formé en 2000 et dissous en 2007. (fr)
- Epoxies is een voormalige Amerikaanse newwaveband afkomstig uit Portland (Oregon) die werd opgericht in 2000. De band bestond uit onder andere Fritz M. Static (synthesizer), Viz Spectrum (gitaar), Roxy Epoxy (zang), Shock Diode (basgitaar) en Ray Cathode (drums). De band stond bekend om de uitvoerige special effects en kostuums (vaak gemaakt van ducttape) die werden gebruikt bij liveoptredens. De muziekstijl van de band ligt dicht bij punkrock, maar de teksten gaan uitsluitend over onderwerpen die te maken hebben met sciencefiction, het atoomtijdperk, vervreemding en consumentisme. (nl)
- The Epoxies were an American new wave band from Portland, Oregon, formed in 2000. Heavily influenced by new wave, the band jokingly described themselves as robot garage rock. Members included FM Static on synthesizers, guitarist Viz Spectrum, lead singer Roxy Epoxy, bass guitarist Shock Diode, and drummer Ray Cathode. They grew in popularity due in large part to extensive touring in both the United States and Europe where they showcased frantically paced, highly energetic on-stage productions. They were known for using special effects for their live act and sporting home-made costumes, sometimes made mostly of duct tape. (en)
- Gli Epoxies sono una band statunitense, proveniente da Portland, nell'Oregon, formatasi nel 2000.Decisamente influenzati dalla musica punk rock e dalla new wave, la band si è auto definita "robot del garage rock" . Gli attuali membri comprendono Fritz M. Static al sintetizzatore, Viz Spectrum alla chitarra, la cantante Roxy Epoxy, Shock Diode al basso, e Ray Cathode alla batteria. Il gruppo è accresciuto in popolarità grazie ai lunghi tour negli Stati Uniti ed in Europa. Sono anche conosciuti per usare nelle loro esibilzioni effetti speciali e costumi sportivi cuciti da loro stessi, principalmente con del nastro adesivo. (it)