Faqeeru Koe is a 2008 Maldivian period short-film written and directed by Ahmed Falah. Produced by Mohamed Abdulla under Dhekedheke Ves Production, the film stars Mohamed Abdulla, Sheela Najeeb in pivotal roles.
Faqeeru Koe is a 2008 Maldivian period short-film written and directed by Ahmed Falah. Produced by Mohamed Abdulla under Dhekedheke Ves Production, the film stars Mohamed Abdulla, Sheela Najeeb in pivotal roles. (en)
Faqeeru Koe is a 2008 Maldivian period short-film written and directed by Ahmed Falah. Produced by Mohamed Abdulla under Dhekedheke Ves Production, the film stars Mohamed Abdulla, Sheela Najeeb in pivotal roles. (en)